The Best Advice for Getting Your House Winter-Ready

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The Best Advice for Getting Your House Winter-Ready


Old Man Winter can really take a toll if you’re unprepared. With the season approaching, there are some things that homeowners should pay attention to in order to make sure their houses are properly equipped for the change. Let’s look at a few of the recommended maintenance activities.


Make Sure Your Home Will be Warm


As you prepare for winter, you’ll definitely want to check that your heating system is operating properly. While this is an obvious and crucial point of concern, thankfully, many of your tasks are inexpensive ones. Small things like adding weather stripping, changing the rotation of your ceiling fans, and installing an upgraded thermostat can pack a wallop in keeping your home warm, without using as much energy.


If you turn up the temperature on your thermostat and you don’t feel the difference, then something may be wrong with your furnace. According to Sears Home Services, maintaining your furnace will entail having the air filters changed, the heat exchanger cleaned and the chimney inspected. These activities will need to be carried out by a professional.



Check Your Roof and Gutters


Generally, homeowners should schedule roof inspections on a regular basis so they can know their roofs are in good shape, but it becomes even more important as winter approaches. In some cases, you’ll be able to look at your roof and identify some signs that it might not be in good shape. These signs include the appearance of mold in the area where the roof and exterior wall meet, rusted gutters and ceiling stains.


Even if there aren’t obvious signs, you should still contact a certified roof inspector to schedule an inspection. During the roof inspection, the inspector will look for evidence of a leak on the interior of the home and any evidence of roof damage on the exterior. You should also ensure that your gutters are thoroughly cleaned.


Prepare External Faucets and the Irrigation System


During winter, any water left in the external faucets or irrigation system will expand and can cause them to be damaged. For proper care of your external faucets, Love to Know has some excellent tips that you can follow. These tips include draining water from the pipes and shutting off their water supply.


For your irrigation system, there are some things you can do yourself, whereas other maintenance activities should be carried out by a professional. You can check the system for leaks or damaged piping and ensure that the shut-off valve has been turned off. A professional will take care of draining the system through the use of compressed air as well as performing any necessary repairs.


Take Care of Your Outdoor Space


If you have outdoor furniture, you should move it inside or send it to temporary storage for the duration of winter if you don’t have enough space in your garage. You should also prepare your lawn for the impending change in the season by clearing away fallen leaves and spiking the lawn to increase drainage.


You’ll need to take special care of your lawn mower before winter as well. To ensure your lawnmower is ready to be stored for winter, you should empty it of fuel or fill the tank with a stabilizer. You should clean it thoroughly and check the spark plugs for any signs of corrosion. It’s also recommended that you change the oil before storing the lawnmower.


Winter can not only be tough on your home, fixtures, and equipment, it can also be difficult for you to get repairs done during this time. Give yourself a worry-free winter by carrying out all the necessary preventative maintenance to make sure your home is ready when Old Man Winter comes your way!


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